Hello everyone, let’s have a small talk about the future of technology!...hahaha don’t worry I’ll not talk about technology in 2050 but for the upcoming boom in the market probably in next 2-5 years!
So let’s start it up… You all must have heard about the cloudcomputing & I quiet sure that you all must have used it too, in your smartphone & phablets!
Let’s come over to another fascinating branch of technology VIRTUALIZATION! As the name suggest it means something which is not there & u feel like it’s there…very common eg. The floor of swimming pool..it looks shallow than it actually is…this is the virtual position of the floor! So you all must be thinking what the hell floor can do to my computer…..wait Ladies & Gentleman ..you’ll come to know very soon…!
Let’s come over to another fascinating branch of technology VIRTUALIZATION! As the name suggest it means something which is not there & u feel like it’s there…very common eg. The floor of swimming pool..it looks shallow than it actually is…this is the virtual position of the floor! So you all must be thinking what the hell floor can do to my computer…..wait Ladies & Gentleman ..you’ll come to know very soon…!
So let’s start with the formal definition of Virtualization…In computing Virtualization means creation of a virtual version of Storage, Hardware, OS or Network resources.
Before Proceeding to rest of the article, just have a look at: -

• BestCareer Sites
- Software Virtualization!
1.) OS- level virtualization
In this we can host multiple virtualized environment in a single instance, it’s like you have an organization working 24 x 7 & having 2 different shifts..both the employee need different software’s…what will you do…set up different labs for both shift….Not at all, I’ll not let you waste so much money, believe me just set up a powerful server load all the software’s in two slots(Let it be slot 1 & slot 2 for shift 1 & shift 2 respectively).
Then you can migrate the slots from server to the machines via Ethernet & it’s all done…every entry made by the employee will be updated in the server & there you can suitable apply RAID or other backup mechanism for data backup, check redundancy & crash recovery…
For shift 2 migrate slot 2 to the same machine..now they’ll get all the softwares they want..& you saved lots of money in setting up & maintaining other lab!
Isn’t this amazing..yes this is the future of technology..to be precise near future!
2.) Application Virtualization
It is related to hosting individual application separated from his OS…yes it’s possible to install your application on the virtual hard drive using this concept…imagine you install hefty Fry Cry 3 or GTA Vice City 5 on virtual hard drive & play it on your system!
3.) Service Virtualization
It means emulating the characteristics of user components that are needed to execute an application for development or testing purpose…It’s like you develop an App for App Store & for it’s testing you need an ipad or iphone…but you used service Virtualization & got the characteristics of ipad or iphone on your machine!!
- Data Virtualization
By this we can access the data with the use of single data access layer!
- Desktop or Client Virtualization
It separating the desktop from the physical layer.
- Network Virtualization (NV)
Here the network is divided into many parts to provide NV by combining network resources such as NICs, Firewalls, VLANs, Load Balancers, Storage devices, Ethernet, Here thr ehhereherSwitches, Fiber Cables as well as network functionality into one single unit, Software-based network administrative entity. In internal network, a host is configured with guest contains to create a virtual network in a box. In external NV, network are shared or sub-divided into virtual network using VLANs & switches.
- Hardware Virtualization
It refers to the creating an environment for virtual machine. It is broadly divided into three category namely:-
1.) Full Virtualization
In full virtualization Operating system instance & its application runs in separate virtual machine on virtual hardware. The virtual hardware is available with the same characteristics as the physical computer system.
Full virt. is again of two types:-
a.) Bare metal:- In this the hypervisor runs on the underlying hardware without a hosted OS.
b.) Hosted Virtualization:- In this the hypervisor runs on the top of hosted OS(like linux or windows).
2.) Partial Virtualization
The virtual machine stimulates multiple instances of much of an underlying hardware environment- specifically, address spaces-but not the entire OS.
3.) Para Virtualization
Is a technique that represent a s/w interface to virtual machine that is similar. But not identical to the underlying h/w resources.
- OpenVZ - Create Secure Linux Servers
This is an open source product available under GNU GPL(General Public License) & container based virt. solution for linux. It creates multiple isolated & secure Linux Server known as Virtual Private Servers (VPS) not to confuse with VPN. Each VPS perform & execute instruction exactly like a stand-alone server. A VPS has root access, users, processes, memory, IP addressing, files, system libraries, apps, ports & routing rules.
So how do openVZ containers differ from the traditional virtual machine architecture? Well, they run on the same OS kernel as the host system, but allow multiple Linux variants in individual containers. The single-kernel implementation enable running containers with much less overhead. Hence, OpenVZ offer higher efficiency and management than traditional virtualization technologies. It uses a single patched Linux kernel, and as a result can run only linux and doesn’t have the overhead of a hypervisor (a tiny part of CPU resources is used on virtual section -around 1-2 %),it’s faster & efficient.
OpenVZ Features
OpenVZ uses a single kernel(linx) & is as stable as Linux kernel.
Overhead is very low.
Live migration of VPS & the checkpoint features allows users to migrate to shut down the VPS.
Resource management allows OpenVZ to share available host system resources among VPSs in an efficient manner;it guarantee QoS- not only providing performance, resource isolation & protection form denial of service attack, but also collection usage information to monitor the system’s health .
By default, direct access to hardware is not available.
OpenVZ has undergone thorough security audit, which was performed by Solar Designer.
IPsec is supported inside container since kernel version 2.6.32
OpenVZ technology scan have thousands of CPU & terabytes of Ram.
I am quiet sure by now a clear & concise picture must have been formed in your mind….about the virtual world with a pinch of technical terms…Hope you enjoyed it.
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