Hello everyone…I have chosen this topic, on the overwhelming demand of the audience to know more about the emerging race of Smartphone and the Phablet!
We all know every coin have 2 phases same is the case with The Phablet…you get all the benefits listed above but the device is too big if you have tiny hands & may require both hands to type or dialing a number unlike regular sized smartphones. These devices find it difficult to fit in pocket of a pair of skinny denim jeans 7 portability make it an issue. Although these feature provide tremendous features but one should decide well whether he really needs the device or not!
However, not every big device is better and there are few things which should be kept in mind like the resolution (800 x 480) display will add little to big screen & give a feel like a 4 inches smart phone, so always look for 720p HD or higher. Another key point is the battery…it’s not at all necessary that a big chassis will always home a big battery so always look out the specification & choose accordingly. Practically at least 70% of what company claims is received. Considering the display often is the most battery consuming element of smartphone, having a bigger display with a regular battery just won’t do the trick.
The Phablet got its name from the PHONE + TABLET. The Phablet got its form after the marriage of smartphone & a tablet! The mobility of a Phone & the wide screen of a tablet make it perfect for the net freak audience. I remember earlier the definition of a wide screen means range between 3.7 – 4 inches & it was quite inmate with the fact that people believed 4” is an ideal ergonomic design for amobile device.

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But SAMSUNG broke the dogmas by launching a Samsung Galaxy Note in late 2011 with > 5 inches touch screen. This single move of SAMSUNG created a giant leap in the IT industry and from there only race for the Phablet started. Contrary to the critics, this gesture of Samsung gave best of both world experiences to the audience & managed to sell about 10 million units of Galaxy Note!

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But SAMSUNG broke the dogmas by launching a Samsung Galaxy Note in late 2011 with > 5 inches touch screen. This single move of SAMSUNG created a giant leap in the IT industry and from there only race for the Phablet started. Contrary to the critics, this gesture of Samsung gave best of both world experiences to the audience & managed to sell about 10 million units of Galaxy Note!
According to the latest report of ABI Research The Phablet has proved to be a great success with a growth rate of 4,504% yes ladies & gentleman 4,504% in 2012 alone reaching 83 million units & Korea based company Samsung is making prediction that the shipment will increase to 175 million units i.e. double of prev. year sell.
Samsung launched the Galaxy Note after the launch of Apple iPad (tablet with 10 inches touch screen), this soon captured the market & America’s all time AAA rated company decided to launch iPad2…no doubt Apple for first in race to initiate the concept of Tablet!
Interestingly Steve Jobs on the launching platform criticized the 7” tablet & was in different opinion with the world…but in the year 2012 Apple launched 7” iPad mini…The reason for quoting this example is not to criticize giant Apple. If this the mgs you got them i am guilty of delivering faulty mgs & you of selective learning…this incident is narrated to tell you the need of the market…that 7” have ruled the mind of audience that is the reason why Apple has to reconsider its policies & launch iPad mini.
No doubt Samsung is responsible for the Phablet existence…now other tier one brands like Sony & HTC are in race too. New companies like Micro max, Karbonn, LAVA, Spice and other have at least 1 Phablet in their Portfolio. Micromax claims all units of canvas 2 which was launched couple of months ago has been sold out & is planning to launch a new version.
Initially The Phablet was priced above $549 but now one can get them under $399. Homegrown companies can arrange one for you in less than $299. Samsung has one with the price tag of $399.
Now all must be thinking that why sale has grown so high of the Phablet, the initial sales were definitely about the “bigger is best” thing. The Phablet offers more reliability and realistic vision than any other phone or smart phone. Having a bigger screen means less scrolling while reading mail & the marvelous stylus of Samsung works like a magic stick. Just move it & get it done & ideal for making notes & the Picture DJ’s!! Note II has the best style. Big chassis offer bigger battery, which adds to the advantage of The Phablet!
We all know every coin have 2 phases same is the case with The Phablet…you get all the benefits listed above but the device is too big if you have tiny hands & may require both hands to type or dialing a number unlike regular sized smartphones. These devices find it difficult to fit in pocket of a pair of skinny denim jeans 7 portability make it an issue. Although these feature provide tremendous features but one should decide well whether he really needs the device or not!
If one check mails, Fb, Twitter, LinkedIn & occasionally Internet Browsing The Phablet is an overkill…..ya if one does lot of note taking, browsing, checking documents and the alike then this device is for you & go for it…..& not to forget with an artistic streak, who like to sketch & scribble notes or random doodles-a device like the Galaxy Note II is a perfect fit for them!
However, not every big device is better and there are few things which should be kept in mind like the resolution (800 x 480) display will add little to big screen & give a feel like a 4 inches smart phone, so always look for 720p HD or higher. Another key point is the battery…it’s not at all necessary that a big chassis will always home a big battery so always look out the specification & choose accordingly. Practically at least 70% of what company claims is received. Considering the display often is the most battery consuming element of smartphone, having a bigger display with a regular battery just won’t do the trick.
Most important is that one should hold the device in hand & see if it’s comfortable or not & can replace a smartphone.. & last but not the least ensure that your trousers have bespoke pockets to fit these big devices!!
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