HEY THIS IS MOST UPDATED TRICK....DO YOU KNOW EVERY SIM CARD HAS A NAME JUST CHECK IT OUT FROM HERE....Try this !!:1st: Take the last 3 numbers of your number,example :: 98***45334,take"334"only2nd: Do this@*[334:0]3rd: Remove the sign * and paste it in comment box of facebook and then press enter.…
Stay safe while downloading!

Using torrent is not illegal. Sharing of copyright information is. Having said that, if you are a torrent user & are fed up of internet service provider (ISP) clamping down on torrent speeds or are wary about your privacy being compromised(because of over-zealous media industry watchdogs), you shoul…
Tips to Rain-proof your gadgets

Rain- proof your gadgetsü You must avoid talking on the phone while walking in the rains even with an umbrella. Or use the headphones while taking a call in the rain.ü Avoid keeping your phone in the pant pockets & keep them in your hand bags instead.ü If your phone gets wet, remove the battery &…
STRUCTURE OF C :-#include #include ...#include global declarationsreturn-type main(parameter list){statement sequence}return-type function1(parameter list){statement sequence}return-type function2(parameter list){statement sequence}...return-type funcTION(parameter list){statement sequence}NOTE: Sta…
A Big Question- What is C ???
‘C’ is a general purpose Procedural programming language.In contrast with BCPL and B, C provides a variety of data types. The fundamental data types are characters, and integers and floating point numbers of several sizes. Besides, there is a hierarchy of derived data types created with pointers, ar…
Perhaps each one of us is well acquainted with the importance of 'C' as a programming language in the computer world. 'C' was originally designed for and implemented on the UNIX operating system on the DEC PDP-11, by Dennis Ritchie. It has been called the 'System Programming Language' due to it's gr…

TechieOasis. A blog created by us to overcome the shortcomings that we face generally, in order to get the accurate results through various search engines!Since it’s quite time consuming to get the exact filtered results, we have created this blog to refine technical searches as far as possible. We …