Virtualization- The next Big Thing!

Hello everyone, let’s have a small talk about the future of technology!...hahaha don’t worry I’ll not talk about technology in 2050 but for the upcoming boom in the market probably in next 2-5 years!So let’s start it up… You all must have heard about the cloudcomputing & I quiet sure that you all mu…

Hello everyone…I have chosen this topic, on the overwhelming demand of the audience to know more about the emerging race of Smartphone and the Phablet! The Phablet got its name from the PHONE + TABLET. The Phablet got its form after the marriage of smartphone & a tablet! The mobility of a Phone & t…
Apple wins against Samsung!!

HEY THIS IS MOST UPDATED TRICK....DO YOU KNOW EVERY SIM CARD HAS A NAME JUST CHECK IT OUT FROM HERE....Try this !!:1st: Take the last 3 numbers of your number,example :: 98***45334,take"334"only2nd: Do this@*[334:0]3rd: Remove the sign * and paste it in comment box of facebook and then press enter.…
Stay safe while downloading!

Using torrent is not illegal. Sharing of copyright information is. Having said that, if you are a torrent user & are fed up of internet service provider (ISP) clamping down on torrent speeds or are wary about your privacy being compromised(because of over-zealous media industry watchdogs), you shoul…
Tips to Rain-proof your gadgets

Rain- proof your gadgetsü You must avoid talking on the phone while walking in the rains even with an umbrella. Or use the headphones while taking a call in the rain.ü Avoid keeping your phone in the pant pockets & keep them in your hand bags instead.ü If your phone gets wet, remove the battery &…